İngilizce’de ‘Would’ ile İlgili Cümleler

İsteklilik (willingness), kararlılık (determination), istek (request) ikram – teklif (offer), red (refusal) ve geçmişte alışkanlık (habit in the past) ifade eder.

A — WILLINGNESS – DETERMINATION (isteklilik – Kararlılık):

I WOULD come to the party but…

1 — I would take him to school today, but my car is out of order.
(Bugün onu okula götürmek isterdim, ama arabam arızalı.)

2 — She would help you with your homework tonight, but she feels ill.)
(Bu gece ödevinize yardım etmek isterdi, ama kendini iyi hissetmiyor.)

3 — We would pay what he asked, but he gave up selling his car.
(istediğini vermeye kararlıydık, ama arabasını satmaktan vazgeçti.)

Dolaylı konuşma (Reported speech) cümlelerinde de isteklilik ve kararlılık ifade eder, Aktarıcı fiilin (Reporting verb) geçmiş zamanda kullanıldığı cümlelerde WILL yardımcısının yerine WOULD kullanılır.

He said I will go with you. (Direct)
(aktarıcı fiil)
He said he would go with us. (Reported)

2 — Ali said to his father I will not watch television. (Direct)
Ali told his father he wouldn’t watch television. (Reported)

3 — My father said to us we will sell this car and
buy a new one.

IF cümlelerinin 2. ve 3. tipinde (IF clauses type 2 and 3) şimdiki zamana veya geçmiş zamana ait gerçekdışı bir koşulu bağlı olan bir isteklilik veya kararlılığı ifade etmek için WOULD kullanılır.

TYPE 2 (Present unreal)

(Past Tense)
(Present unreal – imaginary)
If It didn’t rain, we would go for a picnic.
If I had a car, I would drive to Kuşadası
If we had money, We would buy that house.

TYPE 3 (Past unreal):

(Past Perfect Tense)
(Pasr unreal)
If it. hadn’t rained, we would have gone for a picnic.
If I had a car, I would have driven to Kuşadası,
If we had known his adress , We would have sent him a letter.

(İstek, ikram , teklif, red):

Bu durumda I / WE WOULD LIKE TO ve WOULD YOU LIKE TO biçimlerini sık sık görebiliriz. (Arzu ediyorum / Arzu ediyoruz / Arzu eder misiniz?) anlamını verir.

1 — Would you like to come to us for tea tomorrow? (request offer)
(Yarın çay için bize gelir misiniz?)

2 — Would you like a piece of cake? (offer)
(Bir parça kek arzu eder misiniz?)

3 — Would you like to drink tea or coffee? (offer)
(Çay mı yoksa kahve mi arzu edersiniz?)

4 — I would like to ask a question? (request)
(Bir soru sormayı arzu ediyorum.)

5 — We would like to buy a pair of shoes, (request)
(Bir çift ayakkabı satın almayı arzu ediyoruz.)

A — örnekten yararlanarak aşağıdaki cümlelerle daha kibar istekte bulununuz:

Shut the window, please.
Would you shut the window please?
1 — Give me your book, please.
2 — Telephone me tonight, please.
3 — Meet us in front of the theatre, please.
4 — Take these flowers to her please.
5 — Open the door, please.
6 — Repeat your question, please.
7 — Give me a glass of water, please.
8 — Listen to me, please.
9 — Turn on the light, please.
10 Tell me your telephone number, please.

B — Aşağıdaki soruları örnekten yararlanarak yanıtlayınız. WOULD modal yardımcısının geçmişte alışkanlık (HABIT IN THE PAST) ifade ettiğine dikkat ediniz:

Does he ever visit you?
No, but he used to. He would often visit me when he was a boy.
1 — Does he ever eat sweets?
2 — Does he ever climb trees?
3 — Does he evfer play football?
4 — Do you ever watch children’s programme?
5 — Do they ever sleep in the same room?
6 — Does she ever write stories?
7 — Do you ever go climbing?
8 — Does he ever write to her?
9 — Do they ever qiiarnil?
10 — Do you ever go to football matches?
11 — Does Jack ever smoke?
12 — Do you ever fight with your brother?
13 — Do you ever watch horror films?
14 — Do you ever go to the parties with your parents?
15 — Do they ever go to bed late?
16 —• Are you interested in football?
17 — Is she a singer?
18 — Is he fond of chocolate?
19 — Are you still intrested in collecting stamps?
20 — Are Ahmet and Erol still good friends?

C — Aşağıdaki soruları «WOULD YOU LIKE (TO)» deyimini kullanarak daha kibar bir biçimde sorunuz:

Do you want to drink coffee or-tea?
1 — Would you like to drink coffee or tea?
2 — Would you like coffee or tea?
1 — Do you want, “to have your steak rare or Well-done?
2 — Do you want to look at my new shirt?
3 — Do you want to dance with me?..
4 — Do they want to come to the picnic with us?
5 — We are going for a walk. Do you want to join us?
6 — Do they want to see the new play?
7 — Does she want to play basketball?
8 — Do you want to see my new car?
9 — Does your father want to drink wine with his meat?
10 — Do you want to visit our teacher at the hospital?

D — Aşağıdaki cümleleri «— WOULD LIKE TO» deyimini kullanarak daha nazik bir biçimde ifade ediniz:

I want to drink some tea. I would like to drink some tea.
1 — We want to see your new car.
2 — We want to watch the film on TV tonight.
3 — I want to buy a pair of shoes.
4 — She wants to see you.
5 — They want to play football this week-end.
6 — I want to eat at a cheaper restaurant?
7 — I want to have some wine with my steak.
8 — We want to ask you a question.
9 — I want to buy two tickets to Ankara, please.
10 — The teacher wants to talk to us in his room.

Şimdi de italik bölümler yanıt olacak biçimde ki bar sorular yapınız: (WHO / WHERE / WHAT etc.) soru kelimelerini kullanınız:

I’d like to have some tea. What would you like to have?
I’d like to see Mr. Brown.
He’d like to go to the theatre tonight.
Mary would like to watch television tonight.
I’d like to drink some coffee with my breakfast.
They’d like to go to Ankara by train.
We would like to eat at a restaurant.
She would like to stay at home all day tomorrow.
I would like to buy a tie.
We’d like to spend our holidays in Kuşadası.
I’d like to write some letters today.


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