10 Things I’ve Learned From Angry Birds


After getting an iPhone, Angry Birds was the first game I got hooked to.

I’ve completed, and almost 3 starred, every single level on every flavour; Seasons, Rio and the original Angry Birds.

There is a good reason it’s #1 in the App store and has been for some time!

Some might call me a an addict, but definitely not as much as this crazy kid!

I’m not really an addict but whenever new levels are released I’m curious to see if I can clock them.

There’s a lot I’ve understood and related back to real life by playing this game. Lemme s’plain…

1. It starts off easy – When you first start playing the levels are easy. It can seem hard though as you have to learn the rules of the game. You have to learn exactly how the controls work and what the objective is but, once you do, you’re in full flow.

2. It gets harder – As you progress the challenges get harder. Remember, if they didn’t the game wouldn’t be as much fun. If it didn’t give you a challenge you would get bored. Sometimes you’ll get stuck and hit a level that you just can’t beat. At those times it’s worth asking for help.

3. Sometimes you need hints – When you get stuck, you have a choice of remaining at that place for a long time, it will be rewarding to find the solution by yourself but it can take time. The alternative is get help from someone who’s been there before. When you do you’re trading in the gift of solving it by yourself but you do give yourself the gift of saving some time. Whichever method you choose is entirely your call. There is no shame in the short-cut. :-)

4. With persistence and patience you can crack any level – It just takes commitment. If you opt for the option of solving it by yourself then you have gained something that you don’t get through any other means. There were times when I was stuck but I saw it through to completion. It was frustrating but extremely rewarding. What it ultimately gave me was the means to deal with any similar stumbling block.

5. Perspective – When you go back and try the early levels, you realise how easy they were, even though they seemed tough at the time. You think “how did I ever get stuck on those?” It makes you realise just how far you’ve come and how much you’ve learned.

6. There are hidden treasures – If you pay attention and explore you will find things that are hidden away. They are only there for people to find who really look. You may occasionally stumble across them if you’re lucky but when you really pay attention you find the bonuses that most people don’t stick around to find.

7. There’s more than one way to skin a cat (or more aptly, kill a pig) – You’ll complete a level one way but if you want to, you have the option to see if you could have done it a different way. There is never just one solution or just one answer. The first time you might have used three birds to complete the task and believe it could not be done with less until, you try again and realise you could’ve just done it with one.

8. Perfection isn’t important – It doesn’t matter how you get the job done. So long as it gets done. Sometimes you’ll get it done in a way that seems immaculate, other times it’ll be a hash job, but that’s the most important part, getting it done so you can move on!

9. There is no end – A truly great game has no end. I completed the original version the first time and thought “woooohooo” but then they released Seasons and also more levels on the original. So just when I thought it was over, it begun all over again. (I’m glad it did.) There is never an end, just a continuation in one form or another, so just enjoy the game, because there are always more levels to come.

10. Stealing baby birds is just plain wrong – When will the green pigs ever learn that they should never mess with birds and their babies! :-P



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