Present Perfect Continuous Tense Örnek Cümleler


Nerelerde Kullanılır

1. Geçmişte başlamış olup hala devam etmekte olan işler anlatılırken.

Mr. White has been coughing a lot lately.
(Mr. White son zamanlarda çok öksürüyor.)

The spectators have been waiting in the queue all day.
(Seyirciler bütün gündür kuyrukta bekliyorlar.)

2. Geçmişte başlamış olup konuşma anında bitmiş olan (fakat o işin yapıldığı bazı ip uçlarından anlaşılan) işler anlatılırken.

Susan’s eyes are wet. She has been peeling onions.
(Susan’m gözleri yaşlı. Soğan soyuyordu.)

Somebody has been eating my cake.
(Birisi benim pastamdan yemiş.)

He is very tired. He has been playing all afternoon.
(O çok yorgun. Bütün öğleden sonra oynuyordu.)

3. for ve since zaman zarflanyla kullanılışı.

She has been sleeping since 2 p.m.
(O saat ikiden beri uyuyor.)

I have been reading these magazines for hours.
(Saatlerdir bu mecmuaları okuyorum.)

It has been snowing for five days.
(Beş gündür kar yağıyor.)

We have been eating nothing but bread since yesterday.
(Dünden beri ekmekten başka birşey yemiyoruz.)

Önemli Not :

The Present Perfect Continuous, Tense ile yapacağımız cümlelerde kullanacağımız fiiller süreklilik bildiren fiiller (beklemek, yürümek, çalışmak, gibi) olmalıdır. Bir anda yapılıp bitiveren işleri bildiren fuller (kırmak, düşmek, görmek, gibi) bu tense’te kullanılırsa yanlış olur.

Şimdi bu tense’m cümle yapısını görelim.

Olumlu Şekli
(Affirmative Form)
I have Özne + have/has + been + Fiil + ingbeen playing in the water.
He / She / It has
We / You / They have

I am very tired, I have been cooking all morning.
(Çok yorgunum, bütün sabah yemek pişiriyordum.)

The telephone has been ringing for two minutes, I think he is sleeping.
(Telefon iki dakikadır çalıyor, sanırım o uyuyor.)

You have been wearing my pullover, it isn’t in its place.
(Benim kazağımı giyiyorsun, o yerinde değil.)

He has been driving for hours, let your son driye now.
(O saatlerdir araba kullanıyor, şimdi izin ver de oğlun kullansın.)

She feels tired, she has been working all day.
(O kendini yorgun hissediyor bütün gün çalışmış.)

He has been studying English in school for six years but he can’t speak even a word. .
(Okulda altı yıldır İngilizce çalışıyor ama bir kelime bile konuşamıyor.)

Çoğunlukla olumsuz cümlelerde The Present Perfect Continous yerine The Present Perfect Tense kullanılması tercih edilir, fakat uygun görülmeyen işlerin anlatılmasında Present Perfect Continous Tense’in olumsuzu kullanılabilir.

Olumsuz Şekli
(Negative Form)
I haven’t Özne + haven’t/hasn’t + been + fiil + ingbeen obeying the rules.
He / She / It hasn’t
We / You / They haven’t


You have been bathing since ten o’clock.
(Saat ondan beri banyo yapıyorsun.)

You haven’t been bathing for days, you smell bad.
(Günlerdir banyo yapmıyorsun, fena kokuyorsun.)

She has been feeding the cows. That is why she is late.
(İneklere yiyecek veriyordu. Bu nedenle gecikti.)

She hasn’t been feeding the cows for a long time. That is why they are mooing.
(Uzun süredir ineklere yiyecek vermiyor. Bu nedenle onlar (inekler) böğürüyor.)

It has been raining in the south for weeks.
(Güneyde haftalardır yağmur yağıyor.)

It hasn’t been raining here for months.
(Aylardır buraya yağmur yağmıyor.)

You have been watching TV while I am talking to you.
(Ben seninle konuşurken TV seyrediyorsun.)

You haven’t been listening to me while I am talking to you.
(Ben seninle konuşurken beni dinlemiyorsun.)

Soru Şekli
(Interragative Form)
Have I Have/Has + özne + been + fiil + ingbeen living here for a long time?
Has He / She / It
Have We / You / They

Örnek Cümleler:

You have been living here for two years.
(İki yıldır burada oturuyorsunuz.)

Have you been living here for two years?
(ilki yıldır mı burada oturuyorsunuz?)

Mr. Mill has been drinking heavily all afternoon.
(Bütün öğleden sonra Mr. Hill çok içiyor.)

Has Mr. Hill been drinking heavily all afternoon?
(Mr. Hill bütün öğleden sonra çok mu içiyor?)

The patient has been resting in the surgery since 11 o’clock. (
Hasta saat ll’denberi ameliyathanede dinleniyor.)

Has the patient been resting in the surgery since 11 o’clock?
(Hasta saat ll’den beri mi ameliyathanede dinleniyor?)

The students have been doing experiments in the lab.
(Öğrenciler laboratuvarda deneyler yapıyorlar.)

Have the students been doing experiments in the lab?
(öğrenciler laboratuvarda deneyler mi yapıyorlar?)

She has been using my sharprier.
(O benim kalemtraşımı kullanmış.)

Has she been using my sharpnşr? (
O benim kalemtraşımı mı kullanmış?)

Olumsuz Soru Şekli
(Interragative – Negative Form)
Haven’t I Haven’t/Hasn’t + özne + been + fiil + ingbeen living here for a long time?
Hasn’t He / She / It
Haven’t We / You / They


You have been swimming all morning.
(Sabahtan beri yüzüyorsun.)

Haven’t you been swimming all morning?
(Sabahtan beri yüzmüyor musun?)

Erdem has been eating nuts since ten o’clock.
(Erdem saat ondan beri kuru yemiş yiyor.)

Hasn’t Erdem been eating nuts since ten o’clock?
(Erdem saat ondan beri kuru yemiş yemiyor mu?)

That dog has been barking for hours.
(Şu köpek saatlerdir havlıyor.)

Hasn’t that dog been barking for hours?
(Şu köpek saatlerdir havlamıyor mu?)

The children have been listening to the same tape for many times.
(Çocuklar defalardır aynı bandı dinliyorlar.)

Haven’t the children been listening to the same tape for many times?
(Çocuklar defalardır aynı ¡bandı dinlemiyorlar mı?)

The workers have been painting the same building, for weeks.
(İşçiler haftalardır aynı binayı boyuyorlar.)

Haven’t the workers been painting the same building for weeks?
(İşçiler haftalardır aynı binayı boyamıyorlar mı?)

Tag Questions : Soru Ekleri

Cümle olumlu Tag question olumsuz
You have been smoking since 1979, haven’t you? – Yes, I have.
She has been talking for hours, hasn’t she? – Yes, she has.
We have been playing for an hour, haven’t we? – Yes, you/we have.
Cümle olumlusuz Tag question olumlu
You haven’t been watering the grass for days, have you? — No, I haven’t.
Mary hasn’t been listening to you, has she? – No, she hasn’t.
The drivers haven’t been obeying the rules, have they? – No, they haven’t.

Soru Cevap örnekleri
A — Yes, No cevaplan isteyen sorular:
Have you been doing an experiment for an hour?
(Bir saattir deney mi yapıyorsun?)
— Yes, I have.
— Yes, I have been doing an experiment for an hour.

Have the Hills been waiting for you for an hour?
(Hill’ler seni bir saattir mi bekliyorlar?)
— Yes, they have.
— Yes, they have been waiting for me for an hour.

Has Erdal been studying French since half past ten? (
Erdal saat on buçuktan beri Fransızca mı çalışıyor?)
— No, he hasn’t.
— No, he hasn’t been studying it since then.

Have you been mending the socks all afternoon?
(Bütün öğleden sonra çorapları mı tamir ediyordun?)
— No, I haven’t.
— No, I haven’t been mending them all afternoon.

Have your parents been smoking for a long time?
(Annenle baban uzun zamandır sigara içiyorlar mı?)
— No, they haven’t.
— No, they haven’t been smoking for a long time.

Have the children been playing in the garden since two?
(Çocuklar saat ikiden beri mi bahçede oynuyorlar?)
— Yes, they have.
— Yes, they have been playing there since two.

B — Soru kelimeleriyle sorulan sorular :
What have you been doing for hours? (study)
(Saatlerdir ne yapıyorsun?)
— I have been studying for hours.
(Saatlerdir ders çalışıyorum.)

Whose raincoat has Jane been wearing? (Mary’s)
(Jane kimin yağmurluğunu giyiniyor?)
— She has been wearing Mary’s raincoat.

Where have you been playing all afternoon? (in -the woods)
(Bütün öğleden sonra nere – lerde oynuyordunuz?)
— We have been playing in the woods all afternoon.

How long has Mrs. Thrift been wearing glasses? (two months)
(Mrs. Thrift ne zamandan beri gözlük takıyor?)
— She has been wearing them for two months.

How long have you been driving? (six hours)
(Ne kadar zamandır araba sürüyorsunuz?)
— I have been driving for six hours.

Why is your hair so wet? (swim)
(Neden saçların bu kadar çok ıslak?)
— Because I have been swimming.

Why does your father look tired? (work in the garden)
(Baban niçin yorgun görünüyor?)
— Because he has been working in the garden for hours.

Where is Mary? (make cakes)
— She has been making cakes in the kitchen.

Alıştırmalar (Exercise)

Cümleleri örnekteki gibi a) olumsuz, b) soru, c) olumsuz – soru şekline çeviriniz.

Örnek : She has been waiting for him for half an hour.
a) She hasn’t been waiting for him for half an hour.
b) Has she been waiting for him for half an hour?
c) Hasn’t she been waiting for him for half an hour?

1. They have been arguing for hours.
2. Mr. White has been learning French since 1970. 3.. We have been studying since early this morning.
4. The children have been flying their kites all day.
5. The car has been going well since last week.

Sorulara a) Yes, b) No, ile cevaplar veriniz.
1. Have you been polishing shoes all the morning?
2. Have they been looking for mushrooms?
3. Hasn’t he been walking too fast?
4. Has your father been digging in the garden all afternoon?
5. What a terrible smell! Have you been frying fish?

Sorulara kısa cevaplar veriniz.
1. You have been smoking, haven’t you?
2. Selma hasn’t been resting, has she?
3. He has been eating garlic, hasn’t he?
4. I have been asking you to mend, the stove, haven’t I?
5. They haven’t been working very well this term, have they?

Sorulara cevap veriniz.
1. What have they been drinking? (rakı)
2. What has Jane been doing? (swim)
3. How long have the Browns been travelling? (two months)
4. How long have you been in this town? (since I was born)
5. Why are your mother’s eyes wet? (peel onions)
6. What a lovely smell! What has she been cooking?’ (make sraw-berry jam)
7. Why does she want to see the doctor? (cough a lot)


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